Challenge up your life je upihnil svojo prvo svečko in vesela sem, da sem lahko del tega. Hkrati pa se poslavljam kot GT, saj so me dekleta gostila v mesecu juniju in juliju. Vse najboljše CUYL in še na mnoga 'izzivalna' leta :)
Challenge up your life celebrate its first birthday and I'm glad that I could be the part of it. In the same time I'm saying goodbye as GT and I wish to the girls everything the best and a lot of good creations. Specially I want to thank Manuela for everything.
Challenge up your life celebrate its first birthday and I'm glad that I could be the part of it. In the same time I'm saying goodbye as GT and I wish to the girls everything the best and a lot of good creations. Specially I want to thank Manuela for everything.