Kulinarčni blogi so zame kot sladice in fotografije hrane kot češnja na smetani. Tovrstna fotografija me zelo zanima in ko bom velika bom fotografinja hrane, potrebujem samo nekoga, ki mi bo kuhal. Prav zato sem se z velikim veseljem odzvala na izziv pri Culinary journey by me. Njen blog mi je všeč, ker so njeni recepti preprosti, pa vendar nekaj posebnega in fotografije lepo dopolnijo vsebino. Včasih ob branju njenih postov miselno okušam in voham kar je na sliki.
I just love food photography and when I grow up :), I will be food photographer, I just need a cook :)) Here is what I made for the great challenge at Culinary journey by me. I like her recipes, they are simple and special at the same time. For the challenge, I have to use one of her recipe and take the photo of what I prepared. I choose espresso chocolate mousse and it is really very good, specialy with raspberries. It is still time for you to participate. Enjoy the weekend and prepare you something good for eat.