Tokratni ustvarjalni izziv je nastal na osnovi naročila za moža in ženo, ki oba praznujeta 40 let. Pa sem razmišljala o tem, da bi polovico čestitke naredila zanj in polovico zanjo ali pa morda tako z dvojno sprednjo stranjo, eno pod drugo, za vsakega po eno. Potem pa sem videla izziv pri Just Us Girls in našla tale template in vse je bilo jasno - vsak dobi svoj predpasnik na svoji strani, pa najsi bosta povezana s kuhanjem ali ne, zdela se mi je posrečena ideja ;)
This card is for husband and wife which celebrate their 40's birthday. I didn't know what to do till I saw the challenge by Just Us Girls and found this template. Then I knew, each of them will get their own apron. On the one side is more gentle apron for her and on the other more masculine one for him.
This card is for husband and wife which celebrate their 40's birthday. I didn't know what to do till I saw the challenge by Just Us Girls and found this template. Then I knew, each of them will get their own apron. On the one side is more gentle apron for her and on the other more masculine one for him.