Če sem si nakopala kaj preveč na glavo bom razmišljala kasneje, ampak že prvi poziv me je vabil, pa se nisem prijavila, sedaj gre za drugi poziv in tokrat sem zbrala pogum, da se potegujem za mesto nove predstavnice v dizajner timu pri Just Us Girls. Tiste, ki me spremljate že lep čas veste, da sem se že večkrat prijavljala na njihove izzive in da so mi dekleta in koncept všeč ravno zaradi tega, ker je raznolik. Tako da držite pesti! :))) Če vas slučajno zanima, imaste še nekaj časa za prijavo. Morate pa izdelati čestitko po tej predlogi:
I was thinking about it even before, but I didn't have enough courage. Now I get the second chance, so here I go, I'm entering for Just Us Girls DT call . ;) Those who watching my work for some time now know, that I have played with them several times and that I really like the variety of the challenges that they have. You still have some time to enter :)) First you have to create card or scrapbook layout based on this sketch:
Then you have to pick your favorite 3D template and decorate it. I coordinated my two items together and made an autumn tree and a little bird house. I found this cute template here. You can see some photos of both projects below. They had so much fun in front of the camera :))) Thanks girls for the opportunity.