In tukaj je že nadaljevanje albuma iz predhodne objave. Prikaz sem združila kar z objavo na CottageCutz blogu, saj sem pri izdelavi teh strani uporabila njihove šablone. Prav za takšne priložnosti so mi njihove šablone še posebej všeč, ker so motivi tako lušni. Tako sem na fronto postavila medveda in ptico na veji:
Today I want to show you some pages from the scrapbook album for the newborn baby. It can also be seen on CottageCutz blog. Pages on the photos are not add to the book yet, because it is easier to photograph them so. :) These main pages separate the album into parts, which show some main events which happen in the baby´s first year. After every page is a space for photos and some sheets are added that some short stories or important dates can be written down. Here is the front page with cute Furry Teddy Bear and white bird on the branch:
Drugo vejo in ptico sem dodala na prvo notranjo stran, skupaj z malo "trave". Med njimi je prostor tudi za kakšno fotografijo:
I used another branch and second bird on the first inside page. I also put some grass there and between is a place for one photo, for example.
I used another branch and second bird on the first inside page. I also put some grass there and between is a place for one photo, for example.
Naslednja stran je namnjena otrokovi rasti in motiv žirafe se mi je zdel idealen za to tematiko:
The next page which I want to present you is this one with Giraffe. I thought that this motive will be perfect symbol or metaphor for largeness.
The next page which I want to present you is this one with Giraffe. I thought that this motive will be perfect symbol or metaphor for largeness.
In še zadnja stran. Fant ima že 3 večje sestre in ker otroci zelo radi rišejo, tej strani sledi nekaj risalnih listov, da mu bodo sestre lahko kaj lepega narisale v spomin. Pri tem sem uporabila šablono z metuljema in vejicami.
Here is the last page which I will show you, but not the last one in the whole album. Little boy has 3 sisters and here is the place to add some sisters drawings. On this page I used following dies: Butterflies and Greenery.
Here is the last page which I will show you, but not the last one in the whole album. Little boy has 3 sisters and here is the place to add some sisters drawings. On this page I used following dies: Butterflies and Greenery.
Vedno znova to poudarim, ampak tako je, za otroke je vedno lepo ustvarjat in ko je ideja izoblikovana, je ustvarjanje res pravi užitek.