Ja, ja saj vem da sem že malo tečna s tem, ampak če pa je tak fajn. Mislim, da sem uradno zasvojena z Just Us Girls izzivi. Mogoče zaradi tega, ker sem bila že drugič posebej imenovana med tistimi, ki so dekletom od JUGs padle v oči :-), predvsem pa zato, ker je raznolik. Nisem še dala skozi celega repertuarja, Sketch week me še čaka in ta bo za mene v bistvu največji izziv, ker postavitve niso za mene in za moj stil čestitk. Saj me poznate :-) Mogoče pa bo toliko bolj zanimivo, ali pa se bom odločila, da se tokrat ne grem zraven :-)
No, ta teden je bil na vrsti wild card, kar pomeni, da je lahko karkoli in Dana si je izbrala te transparente z zastavicami. In ker nimam prostora za velikega oz. ne vem kam bi ga obesila, sem se odločila, da naredim mini varianto in ga postavim nad kamin.
Another weekend and of course, time for another Just Us Girls challenge :-) Dana is challenging us with the pennant banner this time. I don't have the place for the big one, so I made the smaller one :-). It is hanging above the fireplace. This is one more creation from my 'Home sweet home collections' and this one actually stays at home, jupijej (you can find the previous collections here and here)Sveče sem dejansko polila z voskom, da delujejo bolj realno :-)
I put some wax on the candles:
Another weekend and of course, time for another Just Us Girls challenge :-) Dana is challenging us with the pennant banner this time. I don't have the place for the big one, so I made the smaller one :-). It is hanging above the fireplace. This is one more creation from my 'Home sweet home collections' and this one actually stays at home, jupijej (you can find the previous collections here and here)Sveče sem dejansko polila z voskom, da delujejo bolj realno :-)
I put some wax on the candles:
Ko sem končala izdelavo, poslikala in končni izdelek postavila na polico, sem mojemu rekla: 'No, končno imava kamin' :-) Pa svečko zraven prižgem in dobi 'ogenj tako lep odsev' :-)
When I finished my creation and put it on the shall, I said to my boyfriend: 'Finally we have a fireplace.' ;-) Whit the candle the fire get this beautiful reflection.
When I finished my creation and put it on the shall, I said to my boyfriend: 'Finally we have a fireplace.' ;-) Whit the candle the fire get this beautiful reflection.