Tokrat je na na CottageCutz blogu Inspirational day in svoje izdelke predstavljamo kar tri, Simona, Cheryl in jaz.
Ta vintage izdaja šablon pri Scrapping Cottage je res nekaj posebnega in kar ponese te v čas Jane Austen in vzbudi v tebi tisti bolj romantični del :) In glede na to, da me poznate in veste kakšna ljubiteljica te pisateljice sem, sem se lotila tudi čestitk v tem stilu. Pravijo, da so oči ogledalo naše duše in prav zato sem v odsev mojega ogledala postavila srce. Skupaj z mislijo je tole lahko lepa zahvala prijateljici za vse kar nam daje z svojimi nasveti, prijaznostjo in predvsem srčnostjo.
We have inspirational day at CottageCutz blog and Simona, Cheryl and I are the hosts this time, so don't forget to stop by and see all creations at one place. I decided to use some dies from Vintage release, it is so special and so darling. It brings you to Jane
Austen time and everybody who knows me, knows how much I love and admire her
work, indeed! :) So, this was my inspiration for my two cards. They say, that eyes are the
mirror of our soul and this is the reason I put heart in my mirror. I think
this is the great way to show your best friend how you admire her kindness and
tenderness of her heart. Mirror is cut from this great Hand Mirror
and Cameo die and heart is made with Angel
Wings Mini die.
Vedno znova me zgodbe junakinj iz knjig, predvsem iz Prevzetnosti in pristranosti asociirajo na pisma, na vse zapisane besede, ki so potovale med njimi in razkrivale lepe in manj lepe dogodke. Tako sem izdelala mini pismo, ga obdelala tako, da zgleda staro in dodala to romantično svetilko. Za pečat sem uporabila kar cvet te iste šablone in še enega dodala na samo pismo.
when I think about Jane Austen books, especially about her book Pride and
Prejudice, I think about all the letters which they send it to each other. So,
I made little old letter and put this beautiful romantic Vintage Lamp
on it. For a 'wax seal' I used bigger flower of the Vintage
Lamps die and put the small one on the top of the letter.
Kmalu sledi še kaj več iz te kolekcije šablon in glede na to, da je pred vrati že februar smo lahko malo bolj romantični. :) Bodite v cvetju!
This is it for today! Have a nice day.